Lilli appoints new CEO and accelerates momentum for proactive care technology

January 7, 2025
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Pioneering health-tech company Lilli has appointed Kelly Hudson as CEO. This leadership change supports company’s plans to accelerate the transformation of broken health and care sectors and drive proactive care agenda.

Lilli, the SaaS company using a proactive home care technology to revolutionise the health and care sector, today announces that it has appointed Kelly Hudson as Chief Executive Officer to spearhead its accelerated growth trajectory. Formerly Chief Strategy Officer at the company, in her new role Kelly will focus on building on existing success across UK local authorities and expanding the reach of Lilli in both the public and private health and care markets, to drive transformation of a system in need and support a care at home agenda.

Kelly brings more than two decades of business strategy to the CEO role, growing successful international firms across an array of industries from Silicon Valley start-ups to large UK public companies. Her appointment comes as Lilli expands its footprint for its home care platform further across England and Wales. The tech works by observing activities of daily living to equip family and care workers with insights into a person’s wellbeing. This data helps to right-size packages of care, improve health
outcomes and reduce hospital visits.

Lilli’s proactive technology is currently helping to alleviate the severe resource and financial pressures across the health and social care systems which are in a ‘critical condition’. Against a backdrop of rising demand for care and shrinking budgets, 81% of councils are expected to overspend on their adult social care budgets this year. Evidence shows that Lilli is creating direct cost savings for care organisations in excess of £30,000 a week, while accelerating discharge from NHS beds by 16 days and reducing referrals to residential care by 40%.

As Lilli seeks to champion a proactive care agenda, economic analysis presented at this year’s Labour Conference predicts the technology could have a ‘digital double dividend’ generating over £4billion of combined savings for councils and the NHS, and keep many more people out of hospital and living independently, if deployed nationally.

Lilli is now broadening its reach to further focus on the independent care sector, building on the impact and growth demonstrated in organisations including Medway, Reading and Nottingham City Councils and North Central London ICB. It is expected that there will be a staggering rise in demand for residential and domiciliary care services over the next decade due to population changes and Lilli now plans to focus on this critical market, offering cost-effective monitoring and falls detection solutions for care providers. This will be followed by international and consumer launches of Lilli in 2025.

Kelly Hudson, Chief Executive Officer at Lilli, said: “I am delighted to take on the role of CEO and drive forward our mission to revolutionise care and enable more independent living. With demand pressures, budget cuts and overspend placing immeasurable strain on teams and organisations in all corners of the system, technology that helps the system become proactive rather than reactive must be part of the answer.

My aim as CEO is to work collaboratively with central and local government, public and private care providers and partners to understand how we can overcome barriers to implementing tech more widely to create a system that works for the people that need it.”

Jackie Brown, Assistant Director of Adult Social Care at Medway Council, adds: “Lilli is assisting us in transforming how care is delivered in Medway and through the technology we are on track to achieve £1.25m in both savings and cost avoidance of in one year. It is driving a culture shift across the service, through which we are now led by data and insights to support us in making care package decisions, meaning more people are able to live in their own homes for longer and health decline is picked up proactively.”

This news of Kelly’s appointment follows Lilli’s second back-to-back oversubscribed funding round earlier in 2024, where they raised £8.2m in Series A financing to support continued growth and product enhancements. Alongside this appointment, the Company has strengthened its Board with the addition of Fiona Brown – the former Executive Director for Neighbourhoods at Sunderland City Council – as Vice Chairperson, to draw on her extensive experience driving high impact technology projects within local government.

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