Better Care Fund
unlocking government funding for smarter home care

Helping local authorities and ICBs
enable independent living

The Better Care Fund (BCF) is a government backed initiative designed to improve integrated care, reduce hospital pressures and support independent living.

At Lilli, our intelligent home care monitoring technology has been proven to address each of the objectives of the 25/26 fund: preventing avoidable hospital admissions, accelerating hospital discharge, reducing referrals to residential care and supporting people to live safely at home.

Find out how Lilli can help you leverage this funding to implement home care monitoring solutions that improve patient outcomes and optimise care delivery.

What is the
Better Care Fund

The Better Care Fund (BCF) is a government backed pooled fund that brings together NHS and local authority budgets to support integrated care initiatives. The fund aims to:

Reduce hospital admissions by supporting community based care
Improve patient flow and facilitate faster hospital discharges
Enhance social care services for independent living

How the
BCF is used?

Local authorities and Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) can allocate their Better Care Fund (BCF) to support innovative care models that help people live independently for longer. By investing in solutions such as home care monitoring, they can improve care coordination, reduce unnecessary hospital stays and ease pressure on social care services.
By leveraging this funding effectively, councils and care organisations can optimise resources and deliver better outcomes for individuals in need of support.

Visit the official Better Care Fund website
Expected movement
54 mins
90 mins expected
Movements at night
Events between 12am - am

How Lilli supports
BFC goals

The Better Care Fund provides a crucial opportunity to implement innovative care solutions that enhance patient outcomes and improve service efficiency. Lilli’s home care monitoring technology aligns with these goals by offering real-time insights that help care providers intervene earlier, allocate resources more effectively, and support individuals to live independently for longer. Our technology delivers measurable impact across key areas:

  • Reduce avoidable hospital admissions by detecting early signs of health decline and preventing unnecessary hospital stays
  • Accelerate hospital discharge by enabling a safer, more confident transition from hospital to home
  • Optimise care budgets through smarter allocation, reducing the cost per service user
  • Support independent living by helping elderly and vulnerable individuals stay at home longer with proactive support

The Impact of Lilli’s Home Care Monitoring

reduction in residential care referrals
day acceleration in hospital discharge
extra carer hours freed up in just six months
plus saved per week through smarter care allocation
Health decline identification

Real world impact,
Medway Council

What Councils Using BCF Say About Lilli
Medway Council, in partnership with Kyndi, has successfully implemented Lilli’s home care monitoring technology as part of their strategy to reduce costs and improve care outcomes. Their collaborative approach has enabled them to unlock efficiencies, optimise resource allocation and enhance independent living support.

“Lilli is assisting us in transforming how care is delivered in Medway, and through the technology, we are on track to achieve £1.23 million in savings and cost avoidance in just one year… More people are able to live in their own homes for longer, and health decline is picked up proactively.”

Jackie Brown
Assistant Director of Adult Social Care, 
Medway Council

How to use BCF
to fund home care monitoring

If you manage a BCF allocation, here is how you can get started:

  • Check your BCF allocation - speak with your local authority or ICB to confirm available funding
  • Assess home care needs - identify areas where monitoring technology can improve outcomes
  • Align with BCF goals - ensure your funding proposal meets BCF’s objectives
  • Engage with innovative partners - like Lilli to discover how our technology can be integrated into your BCF strategy

Want to learn more:
Visit the official Better Care Fund website to explore funding details and application processes.

Visit the official Better Care Fund website

Need help integrating
home care monitoring into your BCF strategy

Our team is here to help you navigate the process and maximise the impact of your funding.

Contact us